The future of medicine on your hands

Our goal is to expand the world of medicine in the blockchain and help the weakest and most at risk sections of the population.


About Us

It originates from the merger of ERBOFARMOSAN and its expertise dating back to 1975, with NATURAL PHARMA INTERNATIONAL, a private Research and Development company operating in the field of pharmacology/herbal medicine “on scientific grounds” since 2010, already established with its own independent organization in Europe, Africa, Central America, and Asia.




Presale Value:
0.01 USD

Min market cap:
1.000.000,00 USD

Circulating at launch:

Total Supply:
400.000.000 $EFT

Max market cap:
2.000.000,00 USD



We allocate our digital tokens carefully and thoughtfully, recognizing significant contributions to the project, investment levels, and specific milestones achieved.

We are driven by our dedication to creating an inclusive ecosystem where every participant can access their tokens securely and seamlessly, nurturing a dynamic and engaged community within the EFT network.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to life.

Research and Discover the True Cause of Diseases.
Commercialization of TOTALLY NATURAL active ingredients, proven to be reliable over time and capable of treating chronic diseases that are now considered incurable by allopathic chemical medicine. Indeed, allopathic pharmacology often focuses on symptom elimination, neglecting pathogenesis.